Civic engagement is important, but you might not know where to send your grassroots advocacy messages. ALRAS Digital has compiled all of the social media handles and phone numbers for members of the 117th Congress.
Call your elected officials, tag them on social media, or send them a message by searching for and selecting your elected official below. If you need help finding out who are your senators or Representative, enter your address at and find out.
Before you contact your elected officials, here are some tips:
- Open with your first name, last name, and where you live in the district (if calling a Representative) or state (if calling a Senator). Elected officials know need to know they are talking to a constituent.
- Be prepared to speak to the Member, but don’t be surprised if you talk to a staff member. Members are busy with votes and other constituents, so they might not be able to take your call.
- Have your ask ready. Whether you’re encouraging them to support or oppose a bill, investigate an issue, or even congratulate them on a job well done, make sure you know what you are going to say before you call.
- A story helps. Tell the member why the issue you’re calling about is personal to you. This will make sure that your message is not only heard, but it is remembered by the staff and Member.